Upgrading Cacti Under FreeBSD

  1. Backup the old Cacti database.

    shell> mysqldump -l --add-drop-table --lock-tables=false cacti > mysql.cacti

    Note: You will probably have to specify the -u and -p flags for the MySQL username and password. This user must have permission to read from Cacti's database or you will end up with an empty backup.

  2. Backup the old Cacti directory.

    shell> cd /usr/local/share
    shell> tar -zcf cacti_backup_YYYYMMDD.tgz cacti
  3. Install new version from compiled packages or FreeBSD ports.

    shell> pkg delete cacti
    shell> pkg install cacti


    shell> portsnap fetch update
    shell> cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/cacti
    shell> make deinstall clean install
  4. If you are using the optional feature Performance -> Image Caching, also recreate the folder and correct the permissions.

    shell> mkdir cache
    shell> chown -R cacti cache
  5. Point your web browser to:


    Follow the on-screen instructions so your database can be updated to the new version.

Note that starting with Cacti 1.0, all Data Collectors will upgrade themselves automatically within two polling cycles. If for some reason they do not, upgrade them one at a time.

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 The Cacti Group