Reports Administration

This section will describe Reports Administration in Cacti.

The Reports Administration tab allows Cacti Administrators to administer all Reports in Cacti. The Administrator can change the ownership of or take ownership away from any user on the system, and can edit all Reports. The primary difference between the Reports Administration and the Reports User interfaces breaks down to simply what can be done and seen by the user.

The Web Interface

The administration of any Report begins on the main Reports tab in Cacti. A screen shot of the Reports tab is shown below.

Reports Admin Tab

When viewing any Reports from this interface, you will see the following columns:

The actions that you can take on an existing Report as an Administrator include:

Report Editing

When you click the Add button on the right side of the Reports page, or Click on the Report Name of an existing Report, you will be presented with the interface below.

Reports Admin Edit

This section includes:

The Email Frequency section does not use the same layout as does our Automation Networks. Correcting that is a future project for the team.

The last section of the Report Details is the Email Sender/Receiver section as shown below.

Reports Admin Edit

From here you can set the following columns.

Once you save a new Report additional Tabs will show up. Those tabs are:

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